Regular 110'smuskrat, mink
Regular 120's
Regular 160'sraccoon, fisher
Regular 155's5x5 w/2 hd springs
Regular 220'sraccoon, bobcat, otter
Regular 330'sbeaver, otter
Regular 110'smuskrat, mink *Case of traps has $10.00 extra shipping due to weight
Regular 120's**an additional $10.00 will be added to a case of traps due to weight/size**OUT OF STOCK**
Regular 160'sraccoon, fisher**all trap dozens will have an additional $10 shipping due to weight**
Regular 155's5x5 w/2 hd springs**all trap dozens will have an additional $10 shipping due to weight**
Regular 330'sbeaver, otterCase of 6 traps**an additional $10.00 will be added to a case of traps due to weight/size
Regular 220'sraccoon, bobcat, otter**an additional $10.00 will be added to a case of traps due to weight/size